Simple Machines, Tools and Care of the Environment Lessons!

Simple Machines, Tools and Care of the Environment Lessons!

Mar 2, '23
We talk a lot about science curriculum in regards to botany and zoology, but there are other key concepts that are important to add to your science shelf.

Simple Machines
Including opportunities for children to explore the concept of simple machines is a wonderful window into the world of engineering and mechanics.

Throughout the unit we teach the importance of how simple machines make our lives easier. They reduce the amount of effort we need to complete a job and can be found in a variety of places within our day to day world. Plus, simple machines begin to help children understand how they can problem solve and find solutions that make life easier, which is an important scientific mindset to foster.
From pulleys and fulcrums to screws and wedges, Simple machines come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be used to help us with a wide range of tasks. Adding hammers and other tools can be a great way to give children even more opportunities to experience using simple machines in various forms.
Hammering into clay and hammering tacks into cork board are two great ways to bring the practice of hammering into the classroom. These two works range in the level of skill needed for success and are great to include in a multi aged classroom.
This study on simple machines can easily be connected to a wider unit on using tools to care for the environment. Pair hands on learning with this inviting tool figurine and three part cards kit.

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