Importance of the Sensorial Area of the Classroom

Importance of the Sensorial Area of the Classroom

Jan 31, '24

Classification Activities

When a child explores the sensorial area of the classroom, they begin to gain the skills they need to be successful participants in their environment. 

This area offers a wide variety of opportunities for the child to learn how to visually discriminate by shape, sound, color, size, weight and length. As they gain this knowledge, their ability to sort and classify expands. 
 Learning the skills of classification is vital to the child's development in both physical and mental ways. By discovering and recognizing patterns, students begin to make connections that lead to both better awareness within their environment and deeper learning.

Montessori was a firm believer in the relationship between the development of a child's senses and their understanding of the world around them. Therefore it is vital to give students a multitude of activities created specifically for their sensorial needs during their sensitive time for classification and order.

Better yet, the basic skills learned through the didactic materials in the sensorial area of the classroom sharpen the mind and prepare the child for future endeavors in the language area and math area of the classroom. From vocabulary to set making, a child who has learned classification will be excited and motivated to discover all the patterns and classifications in the world around them.
Looking for new works that help with classification? Here are our top picks: 

Shop all Sensorial Materials 

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