“How much fuller and richer life would be if we saw the child in all his greatness, all his beauty, instead of focusing on all his little mistakes?” – Maria Montessori
Life on the Farm
Fall is just around the corner, which means its the perfect time to visit a local farm with your family or school. Studying about life on the farm leads to many wonderful lessons and opportunities to learn about plants, animals, and nature.
When setting up farm lessons, it is important to offer a variety of works throughout the classroom. Adding a big knobbed farm puzzle, knobbed farm animal puzzle or giant barn floor puzzle are great ways to add a farm theme to the sensorial or science area of the classroom.
For a free play exploration, add the Foldable Wooden Farm Set to your classroom. This wooden barn is durable, lightweight and built to last. Plus it comes with seven farm animals as well.
When planning to incorporate a theme into the classroom, don't forget the art area curriculum!
Add this Animal Footprint work to your classroom materials. These versatile stones can be used in clay, mud, or a sand tray, and then can be used as a wonderful rubbing work in art. They include a variety of animals and their footprints that live both on and off the farm.
Early Science Lessons
The theme of farm life can easily jump into early science lessons. Classification works such as living / nonliving, plant / animal and vertebrate / Invertebrate are all important lessons to give at this time of year and can easily be related to the animals found on a farm.
While teaching about the classification terms, include a simple egg study on the shelf. This egg sorting work contains beautifully tactile eggs that vary in size and color. Children will love exploring eggs with this lesson.
Sensory sound eggs are another favorite in the classroom. This set of six eggs contains three pairs of eggs with matching sounds. They are a wonderful way to encourage sound exploration in the youngest members of your classroom.
This week's worksheet is a fun counting work that includes farm animals. Also check out our free printable Farm Animal Language Cards.